**Upcoming release - **
Change | Category | Description |
Approve All positive pay exception | New | New api is introduce to approve all positive pay exception of a payment |
**Upcoming release - **
Change | Category | Description |
Webhook enhancement | Enhancement | The webhook has been enhanced to include recurrence details, Positive Pay exception information and achOriginationId. |
Cancel recurring series payment API | New | An API to cancel a recurring payment series using a recurring ID. |
Creation and updating of Positive Pay rules | Enhancement | An API to support the 'ON_GOING' frequency option for creating and updating positive pay rules |
Positive pay exception search | Enhancement | The search has been enhanced to include additional fields like paymentDate, decisionDate, debitDate and amount with range. |
Create customer contact | Enhancement | The customer contact creation has been enhanced to include additional mandatory fields like - accountType, accountSubType |
Update customer contact | Enhancement | The customer contact update has been enhanced to include additional fields like - accountType, accountSubType |
Approve and reject positive pay exception | New | New api is introduce to approve or reject positive pay exception of a payment |
**Upcoming release - **
Change | Category | Description |
Skip next recurrence payment API | Enhancement | An API to skip a scheduled payment within a recurring payment series. |
Initiate a Book (Transfer) Payment API | Enhancement | The existing API has been updated to support tokenized account numbers. |
Update recurring payment | Enhancement | The "Update Recurring Payment" API has been enhanced to accept the recurrence ID instead of the payment ID. This change eliminates the need for the client to know the payment ID when updating recurrence configurations. |
Create customer account | Enhancement |
Get customer account | Enhancement | The "Get customer account" API has been enhanced to return new fields.
Initiate a Debit Payment | Enhancement | The request payload has been updated to make the Debtor's address and name fields optional. |
Initiate a Credit Payment | Enhancement | The request payload has been updated to make the Receiver's address and name fields optional. |
April 26th,2024
Change | Category | Description |
Routing number API | Enhancement | Routing Number Inquiry API [/v1/banks/{routingNumber}]
Bulk payment API | Enhancement | Bulk payment API [/v1/payments/customers/{customerUID}/files/{fileType}]
Book transfer API | Enhancement | Following updates happened to the existing Book transfer API [/v3/payments/booktransfer]
Customer user and role API | Enhancement | Customer user and role API [/v1/customer/{customerId}/users]
Customer role API | Enhancement | Customer role API [v1/customer/{customerId}/roles]
Payment Credit/Debit API | Enhancement | Following updates happened to the existing payment API [/v3/payments/creditrequest] and [/v3/payments/debitrequest]
March 8th,2024
Change | Category | Description |
Payment get API | Enhancement | Following updates happened to the existing get payment API [/v3/payments/{paymentUID}]
Payment Credit/Debit API | Enhancement | Following updates happened to the existing payment API [/v3/payments/creditrequest] and [/v3/payments/debitrequest]
July 17th,2023
Change | Category | Description |
Payment Credit/Debit API | Enhancement | Following updates happened to the existing payment API [/v3/payments/creditrequest] and [/v3/payments/debitrequest]
Payment Credit API | Enhancement | Following updates happened to the existing payment API [/v3/payments/creditrequest]
July 7th,2023
Change | Category | Description |
Payment Credit API | Enhancement | Following updates happened to the existing payment API [/v3/payments/creditrequest]
Webhook API | Enhancement | Added following payment attributes to the existing webhook payload
Payment Documentation | Enhancement | Enhanced Payment APIs documentation with an addtional details on the payment attributes definition and limits |
April 14th,2023
Change | Category | Description |
Payment API | Enhancement | Following updates happened to the existing payment APIs [/v3/payments/creditrequest] and [/v3/payments/debitrequest]
Payment API | Enhancement | Added 'feeName' to the Fee object. This is an optional attribute allow user to assign the custom name to the fee. |
Payment API | Enhancement | Added additional attributes to the Get Payment API response [/v3/payments/{paymentUID}] such as
Payment Webhook API | Enhancement | Added 'externalReferenceId' to the payment webhook response |
Positive Rules APIs | Enhancement | Positive Rules Finzly FX APIs enables third parties, banks, and bank's downstream partners to create ,manage rules for ACH Positive Pay and Fedwire Drawdowns. Its also helps in accepting or rejecting any exceptions reported.With this APIs you can now
Payment API | Enhancement | Updated existing create payment APIs to allow user to provide the sender routing number in a scenario where the bank account is not configured in the CRM application |
Customer API | Enhancement | Added additional attributes to the customer account APIs for the create, get and update operations
FX API | Enhancement | The following changes are performed to the existing FX APIs
November 18th,2022
Change | Category | Description |
Foreign Exchange APIs | Enhancement | Foreign Exchange Finzly FX APIs enables third-parties,banks, and bank's downstream partners to initiate and Manage FX trades for their customers. With this API, you can now:-
UserAdmin APIs - User & Roles | Enhancement | User and Roles API allows bank, Bank's 3rd party system or Fintech to define roles to control the user access and manage user to allow them to access the system. With this API, you can now:
Payment APIs - Additional capability to the Payment APIs | Enhancement | Enhanced the following payment APIs