
**Upcoming release - **

Change Category Description
Webhook enhancement Enhancement The webhook has been enhanced to include recurrence details, Positive Pay exception information and achOriginationId.

**Upcoming release - **

Change Category Description
Skip next recurrence payment API Enhancement An API to skip a scheduled payment within a recurring payment series.
Initiate a Book (Transfer) Payment API Enhancement The existing API has been updated to support tokenized account numbers.
Update recurring payment Enhancement The "Update Recurring Payment" API has been enhanced to accept the recurrence ID instead of the payment ID. This change eliminates the need for the client to know the payment ID when updating recurrence configurations.
Create customer account Enhancement
  • The "Create Customer Account" API has been enhanced to support additional attributes.
  • New isAchPrefund filed added.
Get customer account Enhancement The "Get customer account" API has been enhanced to return new fields.
  • List of additionalAttributes
  • isAchPrefund.
Initiate a Debit Payment Enhancement The request payload has been updated to make the Debtor's address and name fields optional.
Initiate a Credit Payment Enhancement The request payload has been updated to make the Receiver's address and name fields optional.

April 26th,2024

Change Category Description
Routing number API Enhancement Routing Number Inquiry API [/v1/banks/{routingNumber}]

  • Added a new endpoint to fetch bank details and the list of delivery methods supported by the requested routing number.
Bulk payment API Enhancement Bulk payment API [/v1/payments/customers/{customerUID}/files/{fileType}]

  • A bank system that allows a payor to make multiple debit payments to a bulk list. Customer Id and file type is needed for this functionality. Supported file types are csv/fedwire/rtp/ach.
Book transfer API Enhancement Following updates happened to the existing Book transfer API [/v3/payments/booktransfer]

  • Allow Book Transfer for the PUSEDO Accounts.
Customer user and role API Enhancement Customer user and role API [/v1/customer/{customerId}/users]

  • Created new endpoint to create new customer user, update user, delete user, activate/suspend user, search user and get user by user id.
Customer role API Enhancement Customer role API [v1/customer/{customerId}/roles]

  • Created new endpoint to create new customer role, search role and get role by role id.
Payment Credit/Debit API Enhancement Following updates happened to the existing payment API [/v3/payments/creditrequest] and [/v3/payments/debitrequest]

  • Allow user to create a payment through OpenAPI for Multiple Profile.

  • Inside the receiver's address, only Address Line 1 and country are mandatory.

March 8th,2024

Change Category Description
Payment get API Enhancement Following updates happened to the existing get payment API [/v3/payments/{paymentUID}]

  • Added IMAD, OMAD and originatortoBeneficiary in the get payment by paymentUID API response.
Payment Credit/Debit API Enhancement Following updates happened to the existing payment API [/v3/payments/creditrequest] and [/v3/payments/debitrequest]

  • If the payload contains all the address details, then no routing lookup will be applicable. However, if the entire address object is empty, then the routing number lookup will be applicable."

July 17th,2023

Change Category Description
Payment Credit/Debit API Enhancement Following updates happened to the existing payment API [/v3/payments/creditrequest] and [/v3/payments/debitrequest]

  • User can create payments using receiver account id.
Payment Credit API Enhancement Following updates happened to the existing payment API [/v3/payments/creditrequest]

  • Allow user to create feature dated international ppayment.

July 7th,2023

Change Category Description
Payment Credit API Enhancement Following updates happened to the existing payment API [/v3/payments/creditrequest]

  • Added "correspondentBankId" in the payment request to allow user to provide correspondent bank routing number for international Fedwire payment request [Where, The receiver bank country is outside of the USA ].
  • Added "costCenter" to the additionalInfo to assign valid cost center by the user
Webhook API Enhancement Added following payment attributes to the existing webhook payload

  • networkRefId, otherBankRefId
  • senderIdType2, senderId2
  • senderBankIdType, senderBankId, senderAddress2, senderCity, senderCountry, senderBankAddress1, senderBankAddress2, senderBankCity, senderBankZip
  • receiverAddress2, receiverCity, receiverCountry, receiverBankIdType, receiverBankId, receiverBankAddress1, receiverBankAddress2, receiverBankCity, receiverBankZip, receiverBankCountry
  • intermediarySenderBankIdType, intermediarySenderBankId, intermediarySenderBankName, intermediarySenderBankAddress1, intermediarySenderBankAddress2, intermediarySenderBankCity, intermediarySenderBankState,intermediarySenderBankZip,intermediarySenderBankCountry
  • intermediaryReceiverBankIdType, intermediaryReceiverBankId, intermediaryReceiverBankName, intermediaryReceiverBankAddress1, intermediaryReceiverBankAddress2, intermediaryReceiverBankCity, intermediaryReceiverBankState, intermediaryReceiverBankZip, intermediaryReceiverBankCountry
  • originatorToBeneficiaryInformation, FiToFiInformation, senderToRecieverInfo, referenceForBeneficiary, beneficiaryFIAdviceCode, beneficiaryFIAdviceInformation, beneficiaryAdviceCode, beneficiaryAdviceInformation, beneficiaryFIInformation, requestMethod
  • achSecCode, achTransactionCode, achTraceId, achBatchId
  • fedwireBusinessFunctionCode, fedwireDetailsOfCharge, fedwireComments
Payment Documentation Enhancement Enhanced Payment APIs documentation with an addtional details on the payment attributes definition and limits

April 14th,2023

Change Category Description
Payment API Enhancement Following updates happened to the existing payment APIs [/v3/payments/creditrequest] and [/v3/payments/debitrequest]
  • The externalReferenceId in the payment request will be set to the payment transaction as “sourceReferenceId”.
  • The bankIdType in the sender or debtor request will have either [NID or SWIFT] instead of [NID or BIC]
  • The “accountCurrency” added to the receiver object this is needed for the international payments where user is making a FX transaction to buy the foreign currency.
  • The possible values for the “bankIdType” are changed from [By NID, BY ADDRESS, BY SWIFT] to [NID, SWIFT, ADDRESS]. This change is applicable to the all [Bank] object used in payment request object.
Payment API Enhancement Added 'feeName' to the Fee object. This is an optional attribute allow user to assign the custom name to the fee.
Payment API Enhancement Added additional attributes to the Get Payment API response [/v3/payments/{paymentUID}] such as
  • Intermediary details for the Sender and Receiver
  • Sender and Receiver additional details on the address and bank
Payment Webhook API Enhancement Added 'externalReferenceId' to the payment webhook response
Positive Rules APIs Enhancement Positive Rules Finzly FX APIs enables third parties, banks, and bank's downstream partners to create ,manage rules for ACH Positive Pay and Fedwire Drawdowns. Its also helps in accepting or rejecting any exceptions reported.With this APIs you can now
  • Create new rules or edit existing rules
  • Temporarily suspend or activate a rules. Delete a rules if its not longer valid
  • Manage exceptions by approving or rejecting.Approve all is an additional feature to ease the operations
Payment API Enhancement Updated existing create payment APIs to allow user to provide the sender routing number in a scenario where the bank account is not configured in the CRM application
Customer API Enhancement Added additional attributes to the customer account APIs for the create, get and update operations
  • Callback- Yes or No
  • Callback Limit - Amount
  • Cost Center
FX API Enhancement The following changes are performed to the existing FX APIs
  • Added two additional attributes to the "/v2/fx/accept" API
    • autoCover - Yes or No
    • autoCoverDelay - Number in minutes
  • Added a new API to perform cover trade "/v2/fx/forexContractNo}/cover"
    • Require a FX Contract Number

November 18th,2022

Change Category Description
Foreign Exchange APIs Enhancement Foreign Exchange Finzly FX APIs enables third-parties,banks, and bank's downstream partners to initiate and Manage FX trades for their customers. With this API, you can now:-
  • Get FX Quote: Ability to get the realtime FX rate.
  • Accept/Reject FX Quote: Allow user to either accept or reject the quote.
  • Get trade by ForexContractNo:Retrieve trade details based on the FX contract number.
  • Delete Trade by ForexContractNo: Allow user to cancel the trade.
UserAdmin APIs - User & Roles Enhancement User and Roles API allows bank, Bank's 3rd party system or Fintech to define roles to control the user access and manage user to allow them to access the system.
With this API, you can now:
  • Application
    • Get/Search Application details
  • Admin - user
    • Create/Update/Delete user
    • Get Users
    • Get User by UID
    • Activate/Suspend User
  • Admin - Role
    • Create/Update/Delete user
    • Get Role By UID
    • Search Role
Payment APIs - Additional capability to the Payment APIs Enhancement Enhanced the following payment APIs
  • API:/v3/payments/creditrequest:
    • Added "intermediaryBank" to the "receiver" object
    • Added "fxContractNumber" to the "additionalInfo"
    • Added "regulatoryReporting" to the "additionalInfo"
  • API:/v3/payments/debitrequest:
    • Added "intermediaryBank" to the "creditor" object