Transfer Payment

Transfer payment is used to move money within a bank or within a ledger. The book transfer does not require any payment rail for the money movement.

POST /payments/booktransfer


Description - Sending a POST request to the /payments/booktransfer endpoint allows users to Initiate Book Transfer. All the request parameters and objects are specified below:

Request Parameters

All details will be passed in the body of the API request.

Name In Type Required Description
body body BookTransferRequest true Payment fields

Book Transfer Request:

Attribute Type Required Restrictions Notes
externalReferenceId string TRUE Max Limit – 50 chars Unique reference id from a system outside of finzly. The external reference id can be used by the finzly for the request tracing (if needed)
senderAccount BookTransferAccount TRUE Required Sender account details
receiverAccount BookTransferAccount TRUE Required Receiver account details
paymentAmount number TRUE Greater than Zero Payment amount
paymentDate string(date) TRUE Valid date format mm-dd-yyyy Payment date in mm-dd-yyyy format
channel string FALSE Valid channel such as API etc. Channel associated with the payment. If not provided it will default to API


Attribute Type Required Restrictions Notes
accountUID string FALSE Valid account id exists in the system. Max Length 17 chars
accountNumber string FALSE Valid account number Sender account number
accountType string FALSE DDA or GL Account type
currency string FALSE Valid 3-digit currency code such as USD Sender Currency

JSON Response

A successful POST request to this endpoint returns the following data

Success Code - 200

  "status": "Success or Failure",
  "code": "BOOKTRF001 etc.",
  "message": "Failed to create a book transfer payment: ",
  "data": {
    "paymentUID": "string",
    "paymentStatus": "string",
    "externalReferenceId": "string"
Name Type Required Restrictions Description
status string false none Status of the API request either it will be a success or a failure
code string false none Code associated with the error.
message string false none Error message corresponding to the error code indicating the issue in API call and an indication on how to resolve it.
data BookTransferResponse_data false none none


Book Transfer Response

Attribute Type Required Restrictions Notes
paymentUID string FALSE none Payment unique identifier.
externalReferenceId string FALSE none External reference id provided by the origination system
paymentStatus String FALSE Valid Payment Status Payment status