Create Beneficiary/Contact

You can use this API to add beneficiaries/contacts to an existing customer profile in the CRM system. Once the beneficiaries are defined in the system you can use the contactUID to initiate a payment. This process will help in reducing the errors during the initiation of the payments.

Creating Customer Contact

POST /customers/{customerUID}/contacts


Description - Sending a POST request to "/customers/{customerUID}/contacts" endpoint allows users to create new contacts for an existing customer. Corporate entities acting as customers can create contacts. Once created, they don't need to enter the details for payment/transaction purposes. It is a one-time registration for each corporate entity.

Request Parameters

Name In Type Required Description
customerUID path integer true The unique identifier associated with the customer
body body CustomerContact true Contact Info


  "externalReferenceId": "string",
  "templateName": "string",
  "name": "string",
  "address": {
    "addressLine1": "111 My Street",
    "addressLine2": "Suite 210",
    "city": "Charlotte",
    "state": "North Carolina",
    "postalCode": "28269",
    "countryCode": "USA",
  "emailAddress": "",
  "phoneNumber": "123-124-9877",
  "contactBank": {
    "country": "string",
    "accountNo": "string",
    "accountCcy": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "address": {
      "addressLine1": "111 My Street",
      "addressLine2": "Suite 210",
      "city": "Charlotte",
      "state": "North Carolina",
      "postalCode": "28269",
      "countryCode": "USA",
      "country": "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA"
    "nationalCode": "0125487",
    "swiftCode": "USBNX000"
  "intermediaryBank": {
    "country": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "nationalCode": "string",
    "swiftCode": "string",
    "coverMessageRequired": "string",
    "address": {
      "addressLine1": "111 My Street",
      "addressLine2": "Suite 210",
      "city": "Charlotte",
      "state": "North Carolina",
      "postalCode": "28269",
      "countryCode": "USA",
      "country": "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA"
  "otherInfo": {
    "beneficiaryNotes": "string",
    "otherBeneBankInfo": "string"
  "regulartoryReporting": [
      "key": "string",
      "value": "string"

JSON Response

A successful POST request to this endpoint returns the following data -

  "status": "Success or Failure",
  "code": "CUST001 etc.",
  "message": "Failed to create a customer contact: ",
  "data": {
    "customerContactUID": "string",
    "externalReferenceId": "string"
Name Type Required Restrictions Description
status string false none Status of the API request either it will be a success or a failure
code string false none Code associated with the error.
message string false none Error message corresponding to the error code indicating the issue in API call and an indication on how to resolve it.
data CreateCustomerContactResponse_data false none Response Data


Name Type Description
customerContactUID string Unique identifier assigned by the system
externalReferenceId string External referenceID provided to the API